Shipping containers: They're strong, durable and portable, stack easily and link together like Legos. About 25 million of these 20-by-40 feet multicolored boxes move through U.S. container ports a year, hauling children's toys, flat-screen TVs, computers Take a dozen shipping containers, stack 'em, add floor-to-ceiling windows and you get this huge 4,000 square foot, loft-like structure. The 12 Container House, as it is cleverly called, was designed by architect Adam Kalkin and built in 2004 on a piece of Here's a fascinating glimpse inside the shipping container homes set to be used as temporary accommodation for homeless people. A housing trust in Brighton wants to use the 36 adapted containers as a stop-gap for people without a permanent home. Once upon a time, you had to buy passage on a freight ship headed out to sea in order to see a stack of containers piled high to the sky all around you. Nowadays more and more architects and builders are finding used free or for sale cargo containers at "What," I ask you, "could possibly be better than a shipping container that's been converted into a house?" "Nothing," you say. "There's nothing better. Nothing at all. Not even iPad mini" "I know," I nod with smug condescension bordering on the zen-like You will find that in Australia, shipping container homes are classed as a temporary structure just as a garden shed is. It does not matter how long you intend to live in the structure as you will only be able to secure temporary planning permission. .
They're used as roadside betel nut stands. Tool sheds for farms. And increasingly, as houses, offices, retail showrooms and restaurants. They're the 40-foot steel containers too battered or rusted for continued use in shipping cargo from the western Josh Atencio plans to be living in recycled shipping containers by year-end. Atencio isn’t down on his luck. Rather, he’s embracing a trend toward modular, portable, lower-cost housing. His home, which he will share with his girlfriend and 4-year-old That prospect led Mr. Crosby, 45, who started a software company that was bought by Google, to the shipping container. He was looking for an affordable way to add space to the house, which has a large backyard, when he saw a photo in a magazine of a small Shipping container homes and stores Thousands of shipping containers sit idle behind barbed wire fences and on empty docks every day. Check out this story on .
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